VERSATILE DESIGN CONSULTANTS was established in the year 2017 and has developed into a premier development in consultancy company providing the service in the stage of conceptualization to detailed planning, design & construction and engineering for varied and diverse discipline of projects. Its professional achievements include a large number of consultancy & construction assignments spread all over Bangladesh.

Engr. Md. Sultan Mahmud is VDC’s chief structural design engineer & CEO. He started his career in 2012. He has a good command over structural design, project management. Beside his VDC organization, he is also giving his consultancy service in designing of steel and concrete structures in many companies.
He has 9 (Nine) years & more experience in designing (R.C.C & Steel Structures) & supervision of high rise buildings and industrial building construction works. He has huge experience in Detail Engineering Assessment (DEA) works for DIFE, ACCORD/RSC & ALLLIANCE along with technical supervision on retrofitting constructions.
He completed his graduation from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna under the department of civil engineering. He is also a member of IEB.